
Thursday, March 10, 2011


For most people's cases, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear or at the very least decrease after one reaches one's early twenties. Affecting more than 85 of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood, acne is most common during adolescence. Acne vulgaris affects the parts of skin with the most intense population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back.

Even if that would not cause acne, it would still manifest bad things in your body. "A healthy diet is important for improving raw materials for healthy skin," These are words from American Academy of Dermatology. It is the same with cortisol which is a natural steroid produced by the body during times of intense stress. Mosquito bites and symptoms? Well, there's quinine. They say that eating some kinds of food causes acne.

Thus, the result shows:More acne inflamed pimples rather than the simple blackheads and whiteheads. It is usual yet gentle of acne. How? The connection is chemically done. These may pave the way for the creation of your acne

Perhaps, the comedones are working. Your cosmetics have been labelled as "acne Catch-22". It can also be your sleeping habits.

Lanolin, a sebaceous acid coming from the wool of a sheep is one of the most usual acne stimulants. For safety purposes, buy products which use carmine as an ingredient. Be wary too. If you're interested what causes the glint in your eyes, the common ingredient that's used to create such is named mica. Checking your vitamins' iodine content should be done too; it is because bigger than 150 mcg RDA may worsen your acne. However, most oils used in makeups can worsen your acne condition. Well, here's the challenge this article is pertaining about:

You can minimize your acne by having a healthy lifestyleYes, a happy and healthy lifestyle by having a balanced diet, a good-night, at least seven-hour sleep, good rounds of exercise, practicing yoga, feeding your mind with a good book and trying new hobbies. When you style your hair, make sure it doesn't come in direct contact with your skin. The greatest thing to do is to avoid them, of course. Safety measures apply when styling your hair:cover your skin when you use hair spray and make sure you apply the hair styling aids only at your hairline.

Sheathe your index fingers with two plies of tissues. With the needle, moderately stab the exterior of the pimple.

Do you want to know what's real from not? To get a clearer view of the picture, here are the myths and the realities behind such ideas. Is it the organic food which they derive from the trees' fruits or the fresh meat they cook from every hunt and eat against the chemically preserved food found in our instant foods today? Perhaps, that's what triggers acne. Reality:
This was believed by the early minds of the 17th century. In fact, frequent washing may irritate the pores more, and they will be more clogged. But if you combat it with a defence system against acne, you would be able to disprove the former theory.

Hormonal alternations too can be the culprit. It would manifest its shocking miracles as a corroboration for your doubts. You would have your confidence back, and you would wake up with a clear skin. Who knows? Probably you can be next man or woman to set onstage and to be envied for, just like an ugly duckling who turned to a swan. This program would not only cure your acne, but prevent it within a matter of weeks. It would balance out your body's hormonal levels.

ACNE TREATMENTS                             

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Can I Get My Acne to Go Away Forever?

How many times do you worry that the next time you look in the mirror you’ll have another pimple?

Do you lose your confidence talking to others? How about trying to make it through some of the toughest years of your life battling yet another problem called acne? It plain out stinks!

So, what is acne and how can I get it to go away is a question I’m sure you’ve asked yourself many many times.

I struggled with these questions for over ten years and thanks to trial and error, which is probably the worst way to go, I finally got some help and found treatments that tackled my acne for good.

The beauty today is you have answers to common questions that not only doctors can answer, but also other acne sufferers as well as scientists.

This article will shed some light on how to get rid of acne once and for all!

There are hundreds of products and professionals touting one treatment over another. One is because they created that product and stand to make a hefty profit over it.

Another is because that certain treatments actually have worked for many folks.

With all the information and treatments available, there are still things you must know in regards to what’s accurate and what is not.

Here is what we know:

There are different types of acne and different types of skin disorders that can appear as acne. You should know what types of acne you are dealing with before deciding on an acne product or treatment. You’ll hear terms like acne vulgaris, cystic acne, Rosacea, and others.

You should also know about your own skin. Is it oily, is it dry, how does it respond to various soaps, water, sweat, foods, etc?

Another topic to cover before deciding how to combat your acne includes myths. A lot these of may or may not be true, but it is important to understand myths.

My thought was always that if it made me feel like I was going to break out or did, I stayed away (i.e. when I ate dairy). If it seemed to help, I would continue to try it (i.e. fruit such as apples and nutrition products).

Also, you may want to understand how diet and health for your inner and outer body can assist in getting rid of acne. Remember your skin is an organ and need nourishment like other parts
of your body.

Treat it as a temple and it will treat you well back. You’d be surprised how some non-acne treatments will make a huge difference (i.e. water filtration or flushes).

Finally, do your homework, research products and treatments, speak with other acne sufferers, speak with a medical professional to come up with the ultimate treatment.

So, you say at this point, this all sounds good and I have tried this and that and my acne either won’t go away or continues to get worse.

I know how you feel, trust me. I wouldn’t take my shirt off for years to show off the healthy body I worked on because the acne made me feel worse on my arms and back.

I would run to the bathroom and look in the mirror all the time just to make sure I didn’t have another pimple to pop.

I would even carry a tube of over the counter cream to cover up any blemish that needed it. It was a rough spot and although my teens and twenties were great, the scars both outer and inner have stayed.

So, all I can say is keep trying different methods and treatments (with care of course) whether it be prescription, over the counter, or scientifically-tested products you can buy. One day you will find a strategy that will end that darn acne for good!

Blackhead Treatment – What Works

If you suffer from acne you probably get blackheads as well, and if you do, you probably already know how difficult and frustrating it can be finding a good blackhead treatment the works. There are hundreds of products out there that say they will help, but when you are at the stage where you have tried just about every blackhead treatment available and the results have been mediocre to say the least, what do you do?

A Little About Blackheads

Blackheads, or comedones as doctors call them, can and will appear just about anywhere on the body where you can get acne. They are caused when a sebaceous follicle becomes plugged with sebum (a naturally occurring oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands); when the comedones are open, you can see the surface of the plug which is a blackish color – hence the term blackhead. Blackheads are not pores clogged with dirt as many people think, it is an internal function of the body and has nothing to do with hygiene.

Good Treatments, Bad Treatments

There are many products on the market that claim to be effect blackhead treatments; most do not work, and a minority will produce results that are modest at best. A blackhead extractor is a small tool that resembles a large needle with an open in one end where you would put the thread if it were a needle. You position the hole over the blackhead, and by using downwards pressure, the blackhead is supposed to magically pop out – unfortunately however, they only work on a few occasions and they can damage your skin. If you’ve already bought one of these, at least you haven’t invested too much money – they are usually very cheap.

If you have been looking for an effective blackhead treatment for a while, I’m sure you have seen the blackhead vacuum extraction devices advertised – they are meant to ‘suck’ out your blackheads by creating a vacuum over the affected area. If you’ve considered buying one of these, don’t they are a complete waste of your money.

There is no magic cure for blackheads; sure, you will probably try many of the products that claim to get rid of them, that’s only natural, in the long run though, your best hope of clearing them up is to follow the practical advice in the next couple of paragraphs.

The best combination of treatments for blackheads in my opinion is any acne medication with benzoyl peroxide in, time, and persistence; not a magical cure I know, but it will work if you put in the effort.

Here’s What You Do

Cleanse your skin as you normally would with a mild acne cleanser, allow your skin to dry and them rub a small amount of your benzoyl peroxide medication on to the area affected by blackheads and again, allow it to dry. If you can do this twice a day for 4 to 6 weeks, you will see a big reduction in the number of blackheads.

That’s it, were you expecting more? It isn’t any more complicated than that, it just takes getting in to a routine and sticking with the routine – that’s the hardest part of the whole thing, most people give up too early, but YOU don’t have to.

How can I Get Rid Of Acne Scars?

Suffering from moderate to severe acne can be a very agonizing experience. As if that is not enough, things can take a turn for the worse. The fact is, even if the acne disappears over time, sometimes, it is unavoidable to leave behind scars. And no matter what method a person uses, he/she just couldn’t get rid of that unsightly scar.

So, the next question is, should I just give up? Or is there anything that can be done to prevent those scars or even get rid of them once they appear?

Well, fortunately or unfortunately, the answer is sometimes yes. There are times whereby no matter what you do, you just can’t prevent the scars from appearing.

But for now, let’s just focus on the positive. Scars can be avoided if you can prevent them in the first place. First, it is very useful to know what the mistakes you should try to avoid are.

For example, there may be a myth that says popping your acne helps. Unfortunately, it doesn’t and may even increase the chances of scarring. You definitely should not attempt to do so.

Next, you also shouldn’t try to wash your face too often. About twice per day should be sufficient, unless you are specifically told to do so by a qualified professional or you have special skin condition that requires more washing. Over washing may result in irritation of the skin and once again increase the chances of scarring.

If you have already tried your very best to avoid and prevent scars but they still occur, then you might want to try other alternative methods. A point to take note is that sometimes, a scar can appear to be very red and noticeable for the moment, but it is very likely that the scar will fade away given time and become unnoticeable.

If that is acceptable for you, then there is no need for any alternative treatment. However, if the scars just wouldn’t fade away or you don’t find them acceptable, here are some alternative treatments that may help:

1)Laser treatments

Laser treatments are usually performed by trained and licensed dermatologists. What happens is that the top layer of your skin is removed, revealing an unscarred, smoother layer. Do note that laser treatment may not work for all types of acne scars. Also, it can take quite some time for your skin to heal.


Like laser treatment, the top layer of your skin is also removed. A rotating instrument is being used instead of laser. Using dermabrasion, your skin can take a longer time to heal, almost up to 3 weeks to minimize the effects.


Certain surgery procedures can also help to treat acne scars. Success is influenced by factors like the types of acne scars you have as well as the severity of your scars.

4)Chemical Peels

This is probably the most common type of treatment being offered. It can be done in a salon and need not be performed by a trained medical professional. However, it is always a good idea for you to ensure that the person performing the task is reliable. Like laser treatment and dermabrasion, the top layer of the skin is also removed, but using chemicals.

Home remedies for curing acne

Homemade acne treatments may work for you if you suffer from mild to moderate acne. The human body is not made to take on synthetic treatments, so perhaps homemade is the best strategy for you.

The question is, do these treatments work?

Unfortunately as with anything regarding acne, they may and they may not. It will depend on your situation. The beauty of using homemade acne treatments is that they are inexpensive, readily available, and offer little to no side effects.

Below are some of the treatment products you may want to try before spending a bunch of money on more expensive products. Personally these never worked for me, but since everyone is different, they are always worth a shot.

Keep in mind these are just a few ways you can treat your acne more naturally:

Vitamin E Oil:

Vitamin E has always been recommended for acne and the oil tends to be a great treatment for any future scarring. The downside to using Vitamin E oil is that if it works at all, it takes quite a bit of time. Perhaps combining it with other acne products mentioned would be the way to go.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is a very effective treatment. Many times you will find this one ingredient in many of the acne products on the market today. It does a wonderful job reducing swelling, fighting bacteria, and making your irritated skin feel better.

Omega 3 Oils & Other Nutritional Products:

Treating acne from the inside out is how many of the more powerful acne treatment products work. Utilizing good nutrition, including omega 3′s, is not only good for your health but also for fighting acne.

Also, an excellent source of antioxidants, these oils provide valuable health benefits and works by helping your body release less oils that tend to cause acne breakouts. Along with omega 3 oils you should consider various vitamins and minerals to help keep your skin clear and feeling great.

Flushing Your System:

Once a year you should consider a good cleansing of your system. This is another inside out treatment and can work wonders for your body and skin. There are many methods of doing this, so be sure to read all instructions and do your homework before shocking the body in this manner.

Clean Water Works Wonders:

People think I’m crazy when I state that we use a water filter in our shower. When I added this to my skincare regimen, my acne cleared up quite nicely. Consider looking into a product that helps clean the water throughout your home.

Other Great Acne Fighting Tips:

Drink lots of water, eat healthier foods and include lots of fruits, utilize products that are suited for your skin type, try and not pick at your blemishes, and get yourself on a good acne program. There are many choices and ways to treat acne today, so it is not a lost cause.

If you decide to go with more homemade acne treatments, then be sure to understand what’s out there and if perhaps you need another method for your specific situation. As said these can work, but will vary per acne sufferer.

What Causes The Acne In Our Skin?

Acne vulgaris or what is commonly known as acne comes from a corruption word of the Greek. Acne is a skin disease which is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous unit or the skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland. Skin spots, pimples and zits are common symptoms of skin acne.

For most people, acne is at its peak during adolescence. But for the unlucky ones this continues even to adulthood if not treated at the onset of the condition. Usually the face and the upper neck are affected by acne and for some people it also go as far as the chest, back and shoulders.

When the follicles in the facial skin are blocked, this could heighten the risk of forming into acne. Whiteheads and blackheads are signs of clogging in the skin pores. This means its being blocked by sebum and dead skin cells. Sebum is natural skin oil produced by the sebaceous glands. This generally moisturizes our skin to maintain elasticity and prevent wrinkles. However, excessive sebum in the face, dead skin cells and bacteria is not a good combination.

According to studies hormonal changes during adolescence causes the sebaceous glands to over produce sebum, hence the awkward oily face. Hormonal activity such as menstrual cycles and puberty causes the glands to get larger and make more sebum. Stress is also said to be a main cause of acne. It increases output of hormones from the adrenal or stress glands. Likewise, family or genetic history of a person is also a significant factor whether a person is more prone to acne. For example, if the rest of the family were suffering from acne during their adolescent period, expect the same with the younger siblings.

Poor hygiene also causes acne. Wiping the face with your bare hands is a classic example of self administered cause of acne. The hands are one of the dirtiest parts of the body. It touches money, it touches objects packed with germs and bacteria. The moment you touch your cheeks or scratch your nose expect bacteria to transfer from the hands to the facial skin. Furthermore, exposure to chemical compounds such as chloracne and halogens are linked to acne.

While there is no direct link between diet and acne, some researches contend that certain foods cause acne. Recent studies hypothesize that milk which contains IGF-1 hormone causes acne. Researchers also suggest that food with high refined sugar and processed foods cause acne. According to them this happens when rapidly digested carbo foods such as white bread and refined sugars produce an overload in metabolic glucose that is rapidly converted into the types of fat that can build up in sebaceous glands. Hence, avoidance of junk food and other food with high fat and sugar content is recommended.

There are also debates whether chocolates cause acne. Some studies have shown that there is no direct link while others argues the opposite. Looks like chocoholics would have to wait and see if they develop zits after a bar of their fave chocolate.

Acne Skincare Tips You Can Use Now

If you have acne, you’re not alone. Virtually everyone has gotten a pimple at one time or another, and many people are plagued with chronic and consistent breakouts that just don’t seem to clear up. Applying acne skincare tips and techniques can help anyone facing (no pun intended) this difficult condition, as often just a few minor changes to your skincare routine can go a long way toward helping your skin to be as healthy and blemish free as it can be. A lot of acne skincare is the same as skincare for everyone else, but sometimes a few adjustments need to be made.

For one thing it’s important that acne skincare means being gentle with your face. People with acne often get very angry and frustrated at their breakouts and have a tendency to scrub their face very roughly, as if they can scrub the pimples right off their skin. But in reality the harsher you are with your face, the more oil your body is going to produce in defense of that. Skin’s oil works to protect and nourish it and when you attack your skin by being rough and harsh with it, you’re actually doing more harm than good. Being gentle with your routine is important for all aspects of acne skincare.

Acne is caused when dirt, oil and bacteria get caught in pores and hair follicles and a small covering forms over this, growing into what we call a pimple. However everyone has dirt and oil on their face but not everyone gets acne. That covering of skin is what causes those dreaded pimples, so cleaning and clearing up oil is only part of acne skincare. Exfoliating is very important as this will help to remove that covering of skin that won’t allow the oil and dirt to be washed away. Most people that have a good acne skincare regimen exfoliate every few days, or at least twice per week. You don’t want to overdo it with this step either as this might mean dry skin and leaving skin raw and exposed to the elements. But exfoliating is a very important part of taking care of one’s acne and so should be worked into one’s routine regularly.

Using acne skincare products can be very beneficial for breakouts as they are often designed to dry up this excess oil and wash away the dirt and bacteria as well. However it’s not a good idea to use these products on any other part of the face; acne skincare are usually very strong and don’t actually prevent breakouts. Using them on the sensitive areas of the cheeks and neck when you don’t have pimples there can dry up that skin and cause it to be red and irritated. Remember that acne skincare applies to acne only and not to other, more sensitive areas of the face.

If you apply these acne skincare tips regularly you’re sure to see far fewer breakouts and much healthier skin overall.